Over 30, 60 or 90 days, the RVR90™ 2024 Skin Challenge helped clients achieve real, transformative results with tailored homecare routines and expert treatments from our Ultra Skin Therapists.
Daily essential products consist of Cleanser, Moisturiser and Daily SPF protection. Your Ultra Skin Expert will recommend the correct daily essentials for your skin type and any additional products that you may need to use for the first month to strengthen your skin barrier before starting on your first Corrective Serum. This is a very important first step to ensure your skin is at its optimal health as you begin your corrective skin journey over the next 90 days.
90 days allow your Skin Expert to recommend customised and progressive homecare and professional treatment plan each month. This will help ‘train’ your skin to become accustomed to active ingredients and facial treatments to help strengthen your skin barrier and rejuvenate your skin to help you achieve your skin goals.
Within the first month, your daily skincare essentials will help support optimal barrier strength. Based on your skin needs your Skin Expert may also recommend a corrective serum along with a customised Performance Facial Treatment. We recommend a series of 3 Performance Facial Treatments during the 90 days to help deliver additional benefits in combination with your homecare.
During the second month, depending on the progress of your skin, a second Corrective Serum may be introduced into your daily routine and you’re most likely ready for your next level Performance Facial Treatment.
Within the third month you’ll be progressed to another corrective serum if needed and your third Performance Facial Treatment will be recommended to help you maximise results.
*The above information is used as an example, however, the homecare and facial treatment plan is up to the discretion of your Ultra Skin Expert.
Homecare equates to 80% of our overall skin results - Consistent daily commitment to your recommended homecare routine ensures that your skin is at it's optimal skin health, while corrective serums work to address your skin concerns every day. It's like brushing your teeth... you wouldn't skip a day! Professional facial treatments equates to 20% of our overall skin results - This is the extra boost needed to help support and enhance the results you are achieving with your homecare while helping to keep your skin goals on track.
Ultraceuticals products contain a high percentage of active ingredients at varying strengths. We know that your homecare routine will be most effective when recommended by an Ultra Skin Expert after they have understood your underlying trigger factors and analysed your skins’ current health and ability to tolerate Corrective serums. Without the assistance of a qualified Ultra Skin Expert, you may select products that may not be suitable for your skin type. We would always recommend a customised routine that has been designed for your individual skin concern to achieve the best possible end result.
Ultraceuticals RVR90TM 2024 Program Terms and Conditions
(a) Sponsor: This contest is sponsored and conducted by Ultraceuticals Pty Ltd ABN 55 080 758 201 (Ultraceuticals or Us, We).
(b) The rules: By entering this contest, you accept these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them. The contest and these terms and conditions are subject to all applicable laws and regulations and codes of conduct and are void where prohibited or restricted by law.
(c) Who can enter: This contest is open only to individuals who:
(1) are legal or permanent residents of Australia, New Zealand, or United States of America;
(2) are at least eighteen (18) years of age and have reached the age of majority in their country, state, or territory of residence at the time of entry; and
(3) own or are employed in a clinic or salon that is an Ultraceuticals approved stockist of Ultraceuticals products located in Australia, New Zealand or United States of America which is not in arrears on their account with Ultraceuticals at the time at which the entry is made and have one or more clients who are participating in the Ultraceuticals 2024 RVR90™ Program.
Persons who are directors, officers, agents, or employees of Ultraceuticals (or their respective advertising and promotional agencies) or members of their respective immediate families or persons living in the same household are not eligible to enter.
(d) Time period for the contest: the contest will commence 9:00am (AEST) 1 June 2024 and ends at 11:59pm (AEST) 31 December 2024 or such earlier time nominated by Ultraceuticals at its discretion.
(e) How often can you enter: you can enter as many times as you like during the competition period. Each entry must be for a different client that has completed an RVR90™ Skin Journey OR a different time period than previously entered.
(f) How do you enter:
(1) Entries are to be submitted via Instagram. You, as the therapist, submit an entry form detailing your client who is participating in an RVR90™ Skin Journey from June 2024.
(2) You submit entries by posting a photo using the template provided. The clinic &/or therapist must also follow @Ultraceuticals on Instagram at time of entry and the clinics account must be on public. The following must be stated in the posts caption:
• The key concern and area being treated.
• The Ultraceuticals products and treatments or modalities being used.
• The submission period of either 30, 60 or 90 days.
• Tag @Ultraceuticals
• Include the hashtag #RVR90
(A) Entries must adhere to the entry standards to be eligible for judging:
i. Homecare recommendation must demonstrate a progressive homecare journey. A corrective serum must be used with the correct recommended progression in strength.
ii. Performance Treatment journeys must demonstrate customisation and progression where applicable for the guest’s skin response.
iii. Only Ultraceuticals products can be used for both guest homecare and in salon/clinic treatments. UltraMD/Ultimate
products cannot be used on the face during the 2024 RVR90TM Program. iv. You must submit high resolution photos taken by you in accordance with the Ultraceuticals Photo Guidelines that shows your clients face at the start (baseline) of their RVR90TM Skin Journey and at day 30 of their RVR90TM Skin Journey (‘after’ photos – of clients face at same angle as submitted in baseline photos), and/or at day 60 of their RVR90TM Skin Journey (‘after’ photos – of clients face at same angle as submitted in baseline photos), and/or at day 90 of their RVR90TM Skin Journey (‘after’ photos – of clients face at same angle as submitted in baseline photos) demonstrating the progress and improvement in the client’s skin that has been achieved by using only Ultraceuticals products during treatment services and as part of an Ultraceuticals homecare program;
(B) Photos must not be retouched, altered, filtered or photoshopped or otherwise tampered with before or after being taken.
(C) The client pictured must not have undergone any cosmetic procedures (including injectable fillers, Botox or similar) on their face during the course of their RVR90TM Skin Journey.
(D) You and your client consent to the terms and conditions of the competition and complete the consent form for the Ultraceuticals 2024 RVR90TM Program, along with the completed entry form.
(g) When will Ultraceuticals not accept an entry:
(1) Only entries that are submitted during the competition period via Instagram of these terms will be eligible. Ultraceuticals is not responsible for any lost, late, illegible, stolen, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, misdirected, technically corrupted or garbled entries, which will be disqualified, or for problems of any kind with entry submission whether mechanical, human, or electronic.
(2) We can refuse to accept or disqualify entries if:
(A) Entry includes inappropriate, offensive, or otherwise derogatory language or information, or which we consider violates these terms and conditions, infringes, misappropriates or violates any rights of a third party including copyright or other intellectual property rights, confidentiality or any right of privacy or publicity, or is otherwise inappropriate for inclusion in the contest.
(B) The entry does not meet the competition terms and conditions, or is incomplete or incomprehensible (for instance, it only shows an ‘after’ photo or does not identify which Ultraceuticals products or services were used);
(C) We suspect or have been informed that the client shown in the photograph has not consented to their image being used in the contest, or that you do not otherwise have the right to use their image, or is otherwise deemed by us, in our sole and absolute discretion, to be offensive or inappropriate or inconsistent with the spirit or theme of the contest or with the Ultraceuticals brand;
(D) Eyes have been blurred or blocked in pictures.
(h) How many winners are there: There are three-time frames which can be entered. Time frame 1 is ’30 days’, time frame 2 is ’60 days’ and time frame 3 is ’90 days’. Under each time frame there are two broad categories in the competition. Category 1 is ‘Ultra Treatments and Ultra Homecare’ and category 2 is “Ultra Treatments with Modalities and Ultra Homecare’
(i) For every month there will be 4 winners (salon, therapist, and client) awarded, 2 for Australia and New Zealand and 2 for the United States of America. The winners will be split across the two categories: 1 winner (salon, therapist, and client) for ‘Ultra Treatments and Ultra Homecare’ and 1 winner (salon, therapist, and client) for ‘Ultra Treatments with Modalities and Ultra Homecare’. There will not be any finalists. The winner from each category can be from any of the three-time frames.
(j) How will the winning entry be chosen: Ultraceuticals will review the entries on the basis of whether the entries are eligible, and from the complying entries, will choose the winning entries in each category on the basis of the best skin transformation results achieved by a client through the RVR90TM skin journey, as assessed and determined by internal Ultraceuticals judges. This is a contest of skill, and chance plays no part in determining the winners. Ultraceuticals decision about entry eligibility, compliance with these terms and conditions, and the selection of winning entries is final.
(k) What does a winner win: Each therapist who is a winner for the month will receive a $100 Visa gift card which will be subject to the terms and conditions of such card, and a certificate (not framed). Their entry will also be featured on Ultraceuticals social media (Instagram) and Ultraceuticals website. Each salon who is a winner for the month will receive a certificate (not framed). Their salon/clinic will also be featured on Ultraceuticals social media (Instagram) and Ultraceuticals website. Each client identified as a winning entry for the month will receive $150 RRP worth of Ultraceuticals products to continue their skincare journey with Ultraceuticals. Ultraceuticals will send the client’s salon the products to give to the client.
The therapist who is a winner from the annual competition will receive a $500 Visa Gift card which will be subject to the terms and conditions of such card, a framed certificate, and a trophy. Their entry will also be featured on Ultraceuticals social media (Instagram), eDm, blog and Ultraceuticals website. The salon who is a winner for the annual competition will receive a framed certificate, trophy, and window decal. Their entry will also be featured on Ultraceuticals social media (Instagram), eDm, blog and Ultraceuticals website. The client who is a winner for the annual competition will receive $500 RRP worth of Ultraceuticals products to continue their skincare journey with Ultraceuticals. Ultraceuticals will send the client’s salon the products to give to the client.
(l) When will the winners be notified: The monthly winners will be announced and notified on or before the 10th of the next month. The annual winners will be announced and notified on or before the 31st of January 2025. If we notify you that you have won, and you do not contact us within 48 hours, you forfeit your prize, and an alternate winner (as applicable) may be selected. Winners must still be employed by the Salon/Clinic from which their entry was submitted when the winner’s announcement is made on or before the 10th of the next month for monthly winners or the 31st of January 2025 for the annual winners. If not, we reserve the right to choose another entry.
(m) What can Ultraceuticals use the entries for: You agree that by submitting an entry to the contest you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, perpetual and irrevocable licence to use, copy and exploit the photographs you submitted for marketing and promotional purposes, including reproduction in social media, online, electronic, print, TV, cinematographic film and any other medium, for employee training and publicity purposes. You agree this licence continues indefinitely and you cannot revoke it. You also consent to us using the photographs together with other content (including other photographs, graphics, text), changing the colour and format and otherwise editing it so that we can us your entries for those purposes.
(n) Contacting you and privacy: As a condition of entering the contest, you consent to us giving your name, address and other personally identifying information, and you also warrant that you have obtained your client’s consent to disclosure of their image and skin treatment information, to us, and to third parties (including social media organisations) for the purpose of this contest, the uses set out in these terms and conditions and complying with applicable laws, regulations and codes. We will use that personal information in accordance with our privacy policy https://www.ultraceuticals.com/privacy-policy/. Such third parties may use that information for
their own purposes in accordance with their privacy policies and we do not have to ensure that they comply with Australian privacy requirements. (o) Your rights: Nothing in these rules is intended to exclude, restrict or modify any right which you may have under any law (including the Australian Consumer Law (‘ACL’), any consumer guarantees relating to goods or services under the ACL and applicable New Zealand consumer legislation, including but not limited to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986) which may not be excluded, restricted or modified by agreement (‘Your Consumer Rights’). Subject to Your Consumer Rights, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we (and Instagram) are not liable for any loss or damage however caused (including by negligence), suffered or incurred in connection with the promotion or the prize. To the maximum extent permitted by law, any condition or warranty which would be implied by law into these terms and conditions is excluded. These terms and conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the law of New South Wales, Australia.
(p) Questions: If you have any questions about this contest, you can contact us on (Australia) 1800 355 890, (New Zealand) 0800 445 684 or (United States of America) 833 703 9067.
(q) COVID-19 restrictions: In the event of COVID-19 restrictions arising which may prevent the promotion from running, Ultraceuticals reserves the right to cancel the promotion at our discretion. If COVID-19 restrictions result in portions for the prize needing to change, Ultraceuticals reserves the right to offer a prize of equal value as an alternative.